Membership Application

Please select the type of membership you are applying for:

    Builder Member: Any individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture or other organization which is recognized by law as a business entity, who is presently engaged in the business of constructing either single or multi-family residential units for sale or rent, or who has previously been engaged in such business for a period of at least one (1) to two (2) years.

    Annual Membership Dues:

    Remodeler Member: Any individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture or other organization which is recognized by law as a business entity, who is presently engaged in the business of remodeling, rebuilding or constructing either single or multi-family residential units for sale or rent, or who has previously been engaged in such business for a period of at least one (1) to two (2) years.

    Annual Membership Dues: $650

    Associate Member: Any individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture or other organization which is recognized by law as a business entity, who is presently substantially engaged in the business or profession which manufactures, performs, leases, sells, or otherwise provides products, materials, labor or services directly to those engaged in the business of constructing either single or multi family residential units for sale or rent in furtherance of that business, or who has previously been engaged in such business for a period of at least one (1) to (2) years.

    Annual Membership Dues: $750

    (A Gold Star Member voluntarily contributes an additional $100 to the Association. As a Gold Star member you will be listed in every issue of Bulletin Board magazine as a Gold Star Member as well as receive a gold magnetic name badge.

    Company Information

    (Once your application is approved, the contact information listed below will be included in the SBACNJ Online Membership Directory)


    Please provide the name of the individual and company who referred/recommended your company for membership:

    Code of Ethics & Membership Agreement

    Upon acceptance for membership in the Association, each new member shall be deemed to have subscribed to the following Code of Ethics:

    As a member of the Shore Builders Association of Central New Jersey, Inc., I believe and affirm that:

    • Home Ownership should be affordable to every American family.

      1. Every consumer is entitled to construction in accordance with generally accepted practices of the industry, whether of a residential, commercial or industrial nature.

      2. All development should be well designed to be in harmony with sound, environmental and community planning.

    • All Members shall adhere to the following principles and policies:

      1. Honesty, integrity and fair business practice.

      2. Concern for the environment shall be built into all development and related services.

      3. Provide quality construction, products and services consistent with the standards required by the Association and at reasonable cost to the consumer through encouragement of research and development of new construction materials, building techniques and products.

      4. Support all the programs, policies and activities of Local, State and National Associations.

      5. Refrain from engaging in unprofessional, threatening, offensive or otherwise inappropriate conduct toward the Association’s employees, directors, officers and guests or toward fellow members.

      6. Read and understand the bylaws of the Shore Builders Association of Central New Jersey, Inc.

    I understand that in addition to membership dues, the New Jersey Builders Association (NJBA) will assess and collect unit dues on homes built, payable upon closing(s) at a rate of $45 per $100,000 of sales price. NJBA's advocacy efforts save you money on every unit you build and unit dues fund the continuation of these efforts to allow you to build more units. Beginning in 2024, each builder member receives an annual credit of $3000 towards their payment of unit dues and will only be invoiced for any unit dues owed in excess of $3000. If you have questions regarding unit dues, please contact NJBA at 609-587-5577.

    NOTE: Applications will not be presented for approval until payment is received. Checks/credit cards will not be processed until the membership is approved.