
Interested in Becoming a Member?

Anyone involved in the building industry can benefit from our membership services, programs, information and opportunities.

Once you are a member of the SBACNJ, you will automatically become a member of the New Jersey Builders Association (NJBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).

Why Join?

Group Health Benefit Plan

Shore builders Association members now have the opportunity to participate in a quality group health benefits plan. The New Jersey Builders Association has partnered with Association Member Trust (AMT), joining a select group of sixteen member associations throughout the Garden State to provide benefit options for member businesses. AMT offers a full selection of competitively priced, self-funded health benefit plans. Apply online for a free quote.


We work hard to promote our members and give them exposure. All members receive the use of our logo to proudly place in
your advertising, letting the public know you belong to an organization that stands for quality, integrity and responsibility.

Business Contacts and Networking Opportunities

Throughout the year, we hold monthly general membership meetings, special events and educational seminars where you can meet and make contacts with others in the industry.

Committee Involvement

Our committees are the best way to get a return on your dues. Get involved with one of our many committees for more networking opportunities.


The success of any business operation depends on keeping up with changes and happenings in the industry, a very difficult and time-consuming task. Membership will assure you of a steady supply of the current information that you need.


Advertising opportunities are available through the Bulletin Board Magazine and our Associate Sponsor Program.

Social Events

There are many great opportunities to make valuable business contacts in a casual atmosphere including events such as the Golf Tournament, Annual Awards & Installation, BBQ on the Beach, and Member Appreciation Night.


With event sponsorships, monthly general membership meetings and our Master Sponsor Program, you can increase your visibility and exposure.

SBACNJ Legal Fund

The SBACNJ monitors ordinances that are introduced in Monmouth, Mercer, Middlesex and Ocean counties and
institutes litigation challenging those ordinances when necessary.

Member Savings/Discounts

Types of Memberships

Builder/Remodeler Membership

For those individuals, firms or corporations whose principal business is the construction of residential, commercial or industrial buildings; or the remodeling of residential, commercial or industrial buildings.

Associate Membership

For those individuals, firms or corporations whose business is related to the supplying of services or materials to the construction industry.


  • NJ Natural Gas has been an active member for over 40 years. I serve as a Life Director and the Company is a Master Sponsor. It has been well worth our investment. We value and are proactive with the builder community and greatly benefit from the services, programs, information and opportunities available through Association membership.

    Bob Gallo, NJ Natural Gas - Associate

  • "The relationships that I have generated since becoming a sponsor add value to my customers outside of just product and price. The fact that there are opportunities for manufacturers to present our products at various events provides value for both the vendor and the builder without a significant time commitment."

    Rebecca Raffa, Andersen Windows - Associate

  • “One of the first things I did when I formed my company was submit my application for membership at SBACNJ. Having been an active member for many years, I knew it was imperative to keep my membership and participate on committees and events. The relationships I’ve built with other members over the past decade have resulted in numerous referrals, new clients, and retention of existing clients for my business. In addition, the association provides informative, fun, and relevant programs for any business doing business in the building industry. SBACNJ is crucial to the success of my business and I truly enjoy participating!”

    Stephanie Shaffery, Flair Marketing Group - Associate

  • "Being a member of Shorebuilders has given me and my company the competitive edge that all builders need to WIN in this day and age. The resources, data and networking are second to none. I would highly recommend every builder - big or small - to become a member today!"

    Dipal Patel, Hexa Builders - Builder

  • "I have been a member of the SBACNJ since 1998. Since that time, I have met and done business with so many amazing people, that I would never have had the opportunity to meet, had I not been an active member. I am a life director, and served on many committees over the years, and was President of the Association from 2007-2009. By being an active member, you keep abreast of what is going on, and what is important in your industry. The more you get involved the more you know, and the more business you can create with the other members. We are a family.......everyone is always willing to lend a hand, or give you advice, or share their stories. I can't imagine what being in this business would be like, if I did not belong to this wonderful Association!"

    Linda Bernaski, Palatial Homes - Builder

  • "I joined the SBACJ because I found myself working long hours which caused me to become a bit industry/peer-isolated. In my position I deal with a broad range of issues, from design code compliance to defect root cause analysis. I was searching for a forum where I could share my experiences while also learning from others. What I found with SBACNJ has exceeded all my expectations! Since joining the association, I have grown both professionally and personally. I look forward to many more years of service alongside my new friends, along with the friends I have not met yet."

    Jim Franklin, Accurate Builders - Builder

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