Category: Something to Chew On

Shore Builders

SBACNJ Lunch & Learn – Something To Chew On

Last Friday, May 15th SBACNJ members were provided with a Zoom presentation by Ari Burd, Esq. of Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla,  to update us on COVID-19 Employments issues now that NJ has started the process of reopening.  Moderated by Frank… Read more »

The CARES Act – The 1st PPP Gold Rush is Over… Now What?

Presented by: Bill McNamara, CPA, CCIFP® Partner The Curchin Group LLC 732.747.0500 Stacey Kavanagh First Vice President, Marketing Manager Provident Bank 732.295.3801 Bill McNamara and Stacey Kavanagh have organized the following presentation relating to The CARES Act.  Some topics and questions… Read more »