The CARES Act – The 1st PPP Gold Rush is Over… Now What?
Presented by:
Bill McNamara, CPA, CCIFP®
Stacey Kavanagh
First Vice President, Marketing Manager
Bill McNamara and Stacey Kavanagh have organized the following presentation relating to The CARES Act. Some topics and questions addressed include:
- What is Forgivable?
- How to Calculate Maximum Forgiveness
- How to Calculate Head Count Analysis
- Different Options Available to Borrowers
- Examples to Determine Calculations and Options
- Explanation of Wage Analysis and Reducing Employees Salaries During Covid-19
- Timeline for Restoring Full-Time Employment and Salary Levels
- Planning for Use of PPP Loan when Received
- Clarification of Approved Loan Expenses
To view the full presentation, please click here.
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